Vacation in our house is not always a vacation. We, like others I assume, have high hopes at the beginning. We start with rose colored glasses on and end stumbling with beer goggles. Not literally, but close. This year inspired by our kids' favorite movie it was going to be Jellystone for 7 days. Preceded by 4 days of camping at my family reunion. Just so we're clear, that's 11 days without phone, internet, running water,electricity, and the comfort of our own beds. Doesn't sound too difficult. Let's then throw in all three kids getting colds the day before we left, Sequoia teething, 90 degree AND 40 degree weather, rain, long screaming car rides, rain, broken tent, swarms of bees and the picture of the perfect vacation gets a bit muddy, for real. By day 5 Daddy Oak and I were ready to throw in the towel, but stuck it out and tried to enjoy what we could salvage. We rented a cabin, got out the tylenol, threw on rain gear when needed and smiled. All in all, I had a good time. I think for the most part the rest of the clan did as well. We played soccer int he rain, went to Fort Michilimac, explored St. Ingnace. We played games and went for hikes and ate fudge. I appreciated the time away even though camping with kids is definitely not a vacation. Now we're home and can laugh that our vacation resembled that of the Griswald family.
Here are a few photos from our trip . Oh, and my camera died mid vaca so I don't have any pictures of the kids with Yogi when he did finally show up.
We had just gotten to Yogi Bear. Just after this we found out that there were no activities and no cartoons for the week. |
Helping to hammer stakes. I think you can see tears on Willow's face. It was a rough day. |
Wood hauler. He's such a big DIRTY helper. There was no grass at the campground but LOTS of dirt that sticks like crazy. |
Musket fire at Fort Michilimac. We had such a truly good time together there as a family. An awesome family of history nerds. |
Hanging out with Sequoia and Willow while Daddy and Cedar watched the cannon fire. It was still pretty neat from afar. |
She has a talent of finding heart shaped rocks. We spent the afternoon on the Lake Huron shore skipping (and throwing) rocks, having a picnic, watching cars on the bridge, and seeing ferries come and go to Mackinac Island. |
So happy to have these people in my life. |
Willow lighting the evening's campfire. She knows how to light a match, better than her Mama. |
Hanging out with St. Francis at the Cross in The Woods. |
Feet in Lake Huron, St. Ignace. |
Sequoia even liked the water! |